



+1 630 637 5812


你需要找到我? You can call/text me at 630-637-5812 or 630-447-0170 from 8:00-4:30 on weekdays or email me at arpedersen@noctrl.edu. I look forward to working with you! 



All table visits are 10AM - 1PM


In-person table visits: Sugar Grove Campus - First Floor Student Center Lobby

  • 9月12日星期四
  • 10月10日星期四
  • 11月20日星期三
  • 12月5日星期四

In-person table visits: Downtown Aurora Campus - Near Café

  • 11月13日星期三


  • Monday, September 23rd - PICU Fair
  • Wednesday, October 23rd - Transfer Fair



In-person table visits: Main Lobby, in front of the bookstore.

  • 9月19日星期四 
  • 11月19日星期二
  • 12月4日星期三


  • Monday, October 21st - PICU Fair



- 个人约会 在你方便的时候. I 强烈 recommend seeing campus to know if NC is a good fit for you. This gives you an opportunity to see campus in-person with one of our admission counselors and/or tour guides (current NC student). You can view availability and register 在这里

- 转移资讯会 to get a first introduction to our school in person. This is a transfer-focused small group visit opportunity w在这里 you'll hear a brief presentation about NC, 参观校园, and meet with an admission counselor. You can view availability and register 在这里.  



- 个人约会 在你方便的时候. I 强烈 recommend meeting with me to discuss your enrollment process. You can schedule an appointment 在这里: http://calendly.com/arpedersen 

虚拟信息 可以在立博在线体育的网站上找到吗! 点击 在这里 to find more details on our virtual campus tour and campus photo gallery. 


Meet with me for an unofficial transcript evaluation:

联系 me directly (arpedersen@noctrl.edu) to have an unofficial evaluation of your transcripts. We are currently offering virtual appointments through Zoom or over the phone, 以及校园参观. 



Learn about your Admission Counselor:

Favorite thing about North Central: My favorite thing about NCC is the community and culture on campus. The faculty and staff 在这里 go the extra mile to help you reach your goals, 给你支持, 让你有宾至如归的感觉. Your professors will know you by name and will help you build the knowledge and skills you need to be successful in college and for transitioning into your career!

Words I use to describe North Central students: Hard-working, determined, enthusiastic, motivated. 

Why did I choose to become an Admission Counselor/staff member at North Central? As an alumnus of North Central, I have been able to learn about and experience everything that the college has to offer. North Central has truly shaped the person I am today, and as a transfer admission counselor, I am able to give back by helping students navigate the transfer process and become aware of all of the amazing opportunities and resources that are available to them at NCC!

Favorite Naperville restaurant: I love Sparrow for coffee and pastries and Quiubo for delicious apps and tacos! T在这里 are so many great options for food in downtown Naperville. 

内伯维尔最受欢迎的季节:秋天! Once students are back on campus, the energy of NCC is unmatched. The colors of the changing leaves on campus always make me feel at home. T在这里 is nothing like Fall at North Central!

给学生的建议首先,参与其中! From athletics, to clubs, to music and theatre, t在这里 is really something for everyone 在这里 at NCC. Also, NCC has top notch study abroad programs. I encourage every student to explore their study abroad options and how those programs can enhance their studies and time at North Central!